Our Features
Whether you're seeking work or providing it, JobDip offers a wide variety of features that focus on providing opportunities for you to build connections based on skills, experience and availability.
Schedule Matcher
Intelligent Flexibility
JobDip's user-friendly interface and intelligent scheduling algorithms, finding the perfect time to connect and collaborate has never been easier. Say goodbye to the endless back-and-forth emails or messages, only contract out work or find work when both you and the your employee/employer are available.
screenshot coming soon
CV Booster
Supercharged CVs
Elevate your CV to new heights with our fully customizable drag-and-drop CV builder. Edit the style, position content, and seamlessly integrate your work portfolio within your CV, providing potential future employers with easy access.
Custom Alerts
Remove FOMO
Are you concerned about missing out on the perfect project, job, or the ideal employee that aligns with your business requirements? With JobDip's email and push notification system, you can rest assured that you'll receive timely updates when specific jobs, projects, or users matching your criteria and availability become available.
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Take a dip. Make it big. Whether you're a freelancer, student, remote worker, or a business owner/recruiter, JobDip has got you covered! Maintain flexibility while maximizing your time and resources to connect with businesses or freelancers!
Get paid to do something you were going to do anyway.
Maximize your companies potential by filling any spare time.
2024 © Passive Software. All rights reserved.